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Apps in the Enterprise

Colibri's custom apps using the FileMaker Platform provide superior value to the enterprise customer


Individual Workgroup Apps


Colibri develops powerful management apps that allow
enterprise to manage datasets, work processes, and entire
business lines at low cost and with tremendous return on

Take advantage of custom apps for your workgroups.

One Platform for All Platforms


The FileMaker Platform is the most flexible low code/pro code environment on the market. From one codebase and one UI/UX toolset, we deliver apps to desktops, mobile devices, and the most popular browsers on the web. And share data among different devices seamlessly.

The Technology Bridge – Integration!


All enterprises use Excel and scalable app platforms like Oracle. But Excel is not a multiuser app and enterprise-level tools require ongoing management and can be cost-prohibitive for workgroups. The FileMaker Platform integrates and shares data easily via REST APIs, ODBC/JDBC, and Claris Connect, plus JS-based add-ons and native plugins, and so it forms a bridge between the individual and the enterprise.

Custom Application Prototyping


Technological innovation can be costly. Enterprises make
major investments in applications without always knowing if
they'll be successful or provide a reasonable return.
Priorities may shift mid-project and an app loses its chance
to make a difference.  

The FileMaker Platform offers a way forward for prototyping.

Develop ideas, test security, and see results at a fraction of

the cost, minimize risk, and scale up as necessary. 

FileMaker and Enterprise IT


The FileMaker Platform makes it easy for enterprise IT. Practical standards support – ODBC, SQL, JavaScript, SSL/EAR, OAuth 2, JSON and REST APIs, Win Server and Ubuntu, XenApp, and Remote Desktop – plus low management requirements and a rock-solid server environment make it easy to adopt the FileMaker Platform.

Download our FileMaker in the Enterprise information sheet or FileMaker 2024 IT Factsheet.

Contact us today to see how we can address your data management requirements.

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