Apps & Custom Solutions for Higher Education
Colibri offers superior services and custom apps for Higher Education
NEW: Explore the eLife App Framework for Higher Education
The Challenges
Higher Education is an environment where neither appliance apps like MS Office or Google Apps nor expensive student information systems (SIS) can address all data management requirements. Individuals and departments quickly outgrow appliance apps, and IT can be too busy with campus-wide responsibilities to address other needs such as:
Managing individual department processes simply
Ensuring FERPA compliance
Managing multiple roles/access, specially student workers
Providing access to data from a variety of sources
Minimizing impact on IT resources while supporting standards
Minimizing third-party vendor relationships
Staying within budget

What Can We Do Together?
RPM and eLife
Colibri has for decades developed apps for higher education for both scientific research and university management - everything from student and faculty tracking to animal research facilities. Check out our product pages for our two current apps:
RPM is our powerful, integrated research protocol management app geared towards universities and research institutions seeking an integration solution focused on the needs of facilities directors and principal investigators.
eLife is Colibri's app framework for higher education - eLife can be used as a ready-to-use software solution or a starting point for creating custom non-academic computing applications for universities.
Custom Apps That Share Data with Student Information Systems
Every institution uses a Student Information System. But an SIS ecosystem can be an expensive way to solve smaller data management challenges. Managing multiple vendor relationships and platforms can overtax IT resources.
The FileMaker Professional Low-Code Platform is an cost-effective yet powerful partner for your SIS. FileMaker custom apps can integrate with your SIS using REST APIs and ODBC and solve challenges in student activities, residential life, community engagement, and other academic and non-academic processes. FileMaker custom apps can be found at institutions throughout North America.
Colibri provides expert technical advice and services to help you evaluate the FileMaker Platform or maximize the potential of current FileMake-based apps.

Apps for Housing
Student government meetings and minutes
Club management
Residential Assistant (RA) selection
Dorm security and logs
Residential hall priority and placement
Apps for Student Life
Student Life apps are mission-critical, but many features are
lacking from a core SIS. Instead of generic or expensive apps,
get exactly what your institution needs with a custom app.
Colibri build FileMaker custom apps for:
Student government meetings and minutes
Club management
Residential Assistant (RA) selection
Dorm security and logs
Residential hall priority and placement
Custom Apps for Programs and Community Engagement
Does your institution have a robust community engagement or volunteer program? Then you may have struggled to set up and manage these programs, get students to and from program sites, and give them academic credit for their efforts. Colibri builds apps for:
Integration with web-based program registration tools
Program shift reservations and attendance
Resource management and student transportation
Assignment of academic credits

Small Apps with Big Impact
Appliance apps like Excel are found everywhere trying
to address situations better left to a custom app:
Faculty tenure and leave
Student Center info desk and room management
Social events and ticketing
Student job timeclocks
All types of projects across academics, athletics, art and cultural centers, and physical plant. If you are managing and sharing data for your department or across campus, we can create the perfect app for it!
The Value Story
Departments and academic IT can take great advantage of custom apps from Colibri.
We offer one platform and one consulting partner relationship.
Our custom apps have low impact on academic IT.
Extensive standards support – ODBC/SQL, 256-bit SSL, REST APIs and JSON, Windows Server and Linux, AD and OAuth 2, Citrix and Remote App – makes it easy to adopt custom apps into your environment.
More Information
View our webinars for Higher Education:
Integrate and Educate: Using the FileMaker Platform in Higher Ed
Implement and Educate: Using the FileMaker Platform in Higher Ed
Contact us today to learn how Colibri can address your higher education goals.